Investigation services are not just limited to catch unfaithful marriage partner. If your business owner or own a company, you need to perform employee investigation to keep your business growing. Several reasons say why your company needs an employee investigation. Investigating your employees is a must to monitor and know the background and behavior of your employee. To provide a better understanding of the employee investigations, the Advance detective agency has designed this blog. Go through this article to know the reasons that state why employee investigation is important for your business.

The Reasons Why Employee Investigation Is Important

Boost Employee Productivity: Employees are the backbone of your business because they can make or break your brand. The success of your business total based on how productive your employees are. As per a survey conducted by, about 39 percent of employees spend less than an hour doing personal tasks online while at work, while 21 % of employees spend two to five hours. As a business owner, if you think that spending less amount of time spent on personal tasks does not affect your business as much. But, consider that if you take a 100-person organization and apply the time spent accordingly, you’ll find that it is almost equal to the total time spent by six full-time employees. If you go for the employee investigation process or tools, you can perform user activity monitoring, such as monitoring which apps your employees spend time more and what actions they do. Getting this information helps you to improve your employee productivity to generate better returns in investment.

Employee Misconduct: it is the common reason a business needs corporate investigation services. If higher management suspects an employee is engaging in doubtful behavior at work does not have enough time to monitor them, they may think of getting help from investigation services. Employee misconduct refers to a variety of misleading activities including substance abuse, insubordination, time theft, bullying, threatening, and physical, sexual, or verbal harassment.

Business Acquisitions: Before hiring an employer or acquiring a new business, the Business owners and HR department have performed a thorough background check to make sure that they are making a perfect investment. A detective and investigative service company can offer business owners a Business due diligence report to find if a business acquisition would be worthwhile. A perfect due diligence report will contain information such as company profile, financial information, property information, environmental issues, and customer information.

Prevent Corporate Fraud: The main reason why your company needs employee investigation is to prevent corporate fraud. As per a report conducted by The Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), on average, a company loses around $140,000 of its revenues to fraud. With the help of employee investigation services, you can keep track of what communications your employees do over corporate emails, social media websites, chat, or instant messaging.

Prohibit Discrimination and Harassment: If your employee watches inappropriate content at work, which may be illegal or offensive, can turn into bigger problems as well. But, with the help of an employee investigation process, you can easily track what content your employees are accessing. In case, if any inappropriate comment was made over instant messaging to another employee, you can easily look into that matter.


To perform a better employee investigation, you should get unbiased information that shows employee nature and attitude. We hope this blog will help you to understand the importance of employee investigation to your company. If your investigation wants to conduct properly and in a fair, and unbiased manner, you need to contact advance detective agency. We are the leading detective agency in Chandigarh and we have a team of experts who can provide you excellent investigation services such as employee investigation, background check, pre-matrimonial verification, and more.

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